Dear Customer,
As I write, we've well and truly settled into this new season of ‘mists & mellow fruitfulness’ - a favourite time of year.
The Rugby Street shop is brimming with new collections - scarves from Epice, Bonamano & Ferrari, and Village du Monde Diffusion.
Angela Caputi’s exquisite new collection has just arrived from Florence, gloves & socks from Milan and our favourite Japanese collection from L’Apero is on its way.
The studios of Philippe Ferrandis and Samuel Coraux in Paris are finalising our orders, as is that of Christina Brampti in Athens. There are new Art Angels greetings cards too, with an array of beaded brooches soon to land, plus a host of lovely gifts, fragranced gousset and our beloved poetry books.
An exciting time of year!
And the cycle continues - the joy of once again travelling to Paris last week to place orders for Spring & Summer 2022 and meeting our designers once again was indescribable!
Together we've been through this ordeal, and together we’ll come through it.
With our love,